Monday, October 18, 2021

Need Wisdom, Ask...

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. [Jas 1:5 NIV] The screen in the car said "No key detected." I was holding the key in my hand in the car. My conclusion: dead battery in the key fob. Ahh the challenges of modern life. Fortunately I was at home with another key fob available.
I was able to use the automobile with the extra fob. Later I'd resolve the battery issue. Who will I call to advise me in my situation? In the olden days of movies and TV, the recommendation was "Ask Dad, he'll know". It was the theme of many of the earliest TV shows (which I watched on reruns, I'm not that old!). Young George Bailey in the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" followed said advice when he encountered a Life threatening issue. My dad has been the source of many gems of wisdom. Who did I call for assistance with my dead key fob? The internet. I confess to being of the self-reliant mind who copes with the life's challenges through the internet with the attitude "how hard can this be?" Indeed, after multiple viewings of a demonstration video, I purchased the appropriate battery and installed it. The hardest part was getting the fob opened --that's the reason I had to watch multiple times! This verse in James makes me question my self reliance and trust in unknown sources of technology. Too often when a challenge is presented, do I go to the web first instead of asking The Father? The internet is full of non-trustworthy sites. Just this week I thought I was doing some research into a medical issue and ended up with an annoying subscription. I went to the source for assistance--the creator of the device. A quick trip to the support tab and I had eliminated the annoyance. Too often, even in spiritual matters, I use the internet and other earthly sources of information rather than going to the source, The Creator. The Father who knows all, is all and I have decades of proof of his love, dependability and wisdom. He, as the Creator of all, is absolutely trustworthy. Let's Engage: What was the last bit of wisdom you looked to the internet to provide? How did it go? What criteria do you use to seek wisdom in daily life? How has God given to you generously?

Monday, October 11, 2021


'Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:4NIV
So perseverance has a purpose, a specific work- maturity and completion. In the chaos of our everyday life, purpose and order sounds appealing. But I do like a bit of chaos, the unexpected. Makes me feel like I live on the edge. Chaos lives in my kitchen, first drawer on the left. Realistically the scariest event is sorting through the "junk" drawer. My mom had a junk drawer full of the essentials, like tape and scissors and the obscure, like string and leftover screws. Naturally, if Mom had one, I feel the need to have a fully stocked junk drawer. Periodically I take the safety of my fingers, (knives, nails and other sharps have been known to inhabit the junk drawer) and sort it out and thin the contents. Actually, my husband has a low tolerance for chaos so he regulates the volume of my junk drawer. There was also treasure in my mom's junk drawer. Gum, candy and coins were inevitably found in the bowels of the non-essentials. (When we heard the bell of the popsicle truck, we started rummaging for ice cream money!) Most of my jobs, those I received compensation and those I don't, involve multi-tasking. Handling more than one deadline or crisis became a regular occurrence. To survive I waged war against the panic creeping chaos to take charge. Here's my standard plan: Repile it or make a list and prioritize. Ask "what in front of me is on fire?" (urgent) Take a breath- one of those yoga cleansing breaths- in through the nose out through the mouth. Take the next right step starting with the fire! Spiritually when I face one or more of those many trials, I do the same thing, but hopefully in different order I take a breath in the form of a prayer to God to take control. I'd to say I do this first but usually this step happens after I've patched, procrastinated or pretended I'm in control of the situation. I'm still working on letting God take control of my everyday life. I put the trials in perspective to the span of eternity. Finally I ask God what is the next right step and do it. I rarely hear a succession of steps. I only need my next act. I still remember the advice of my piano teacher - learn the music note by note, line by line. Eventually the whole piece is mastered once each note is mastered. His other meaningful words were "Playing Chopin is good for you." Translation- Sometimes those hard things make you better. A bit of chaos builds perseverance, so embrace a bit of chaos....the treasure of perseverance awaits. Let's engage: I'm persevering through my faith journey day by day. How about you? (The piano lessons ended decades ago and the talent is lost-it's not like riding a bike.) How you handle the scary everyday trials of life? Do you have a junk drawer? Tell me two essential items in your drawer.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

What Do I Know?

"because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance." James1:3 NIV I circled "you know" when I read this verse. Do I know? What do I know about perseverance? I'm not an athlete or an artist who practiced or trained. I'm not sure I've worked for something for a really long time.
The story behind the curious photo: I was assigned to be the photographer at the church cook-out. When the rain came, the cooks stayed with the fire. I got in the car. Who persevered through the circumstances, me or the cooks? How do I know? I usually check The Message for a fresh perspective. “Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.”‭‭ James‬ ‭1:2-4‬ ‭MSG‬‬ (Bold added by me.) I made a decision when I was 22 years old that I wanted God on my life journey. I remember standing in the baptismal water thinking "it's you and me God". Looking back, I can't imagine facing life without God. Perhaps my faith journey is the closest I've tried to endure. Over 30 years ago, I had a diagnosis of a serious disease. Amazingly, I only experienced a few of the symptoms and some even disappeared. Then 19 years ago I heard the dreaded "C" word- cancer. There were a few centimeters hiding behind golf ball sized scar tissue. A radiologist being diligent saved my life. Then again I've heard a life changing diagnosis. I continue to get good reports of a well managed challenge. I like to think God has kept my life health challenges on the small side so I can learn more about trust or perseverance. How can I be sure God is with me in those life challenges? Past experience. I judge on past actions and life choices. God is consistent so I can put my trust in His plan and His promise to never leave me alone. I need to hang with God and not try it on my own. My quick trip into my favorite reference, Strong's Concordance, gave me a bit of insight into the word "know". More than one of the definitions listed helped me. "Be sure." "Be Resolved." I conclude that I do know God has "my back" in my life on Earth. Maybe perseverance is repeating it over and over as a reminder, as an anchor for my journey. I am resolved and sure due to past experience which will carry me through my future. To be resolved is my choice to depend on God rather than risk following my inadequate planning. Let's Engage: What jumps off the page for you? Think of 3 times God has had your back? Take time to thank Him. Jot down a few words of praise for your bulletin board. What have you learned about perseverance from a life challenge?