I can sleep tonight because The Judge makes it Right! |
The anger in his voice increased. I looked up.
The judge was looking right at me and scolding me! Something about shopping and credit
cards. I hadn't been paying attention
which added to the judge's frustration.
I was very confused. It was my
first time in court.
Many years ago I worked for a mortgage servicing company and
was sent to bankruptcy court with the company attorney. One of our customers had filed bankruptcy and
the company sent us to represent the mortgage holder. Court cases were called alphabetically and
our customer must have been in the "Zs" because I'd been in the
courtroom a very long time. I was bored
and had lost interest until I realized all eyes, especially the angry judge's,
were on me.
I must have had a ”deer in headlights" look on my
face. I was frozen. I had no idea what to do. Fortunately, the company attorney came to my
defense. He stood up and respectfully
addressed the judge. He realized that
the judge thought I was one of the
debtors who had continued to engage in amassing debt while in bankruptcy. My advocate offered to the judge that I was
not the offending debtor. The real
debtor didn't even bother to appear in court that day. The judge assumed since I was in the front
row I must be the offender. I hope this
was and will be my only time in court facing an angry judge!
Psalm 7 made me think about judges. David throws himself on the mercy of God, The
Judge. David confesses that perhaps he
has guilt on his hands. Yet he believes
God will save him and deliver him from his pursuing enemies. David believes that God searches hearts and
minds and knows true motives. David
acknowledges that God is The Righteous Judge who is absolutely just.
Psalm 7 reminds me that I live in a world that too often is
not right. I can't make the world
right. No one can make it right. Except God.
Verse 10, in The Message, tells me God is The One who makes me right and
keeps me right.
I am right before God only
because I have an Advocate, much like that company attorney who stood up
for me before the angry judge. Jesus
came to Earth to show me, us, the way, the only way to live in a not right
world. Our only opportunity to be right
in this world is to throw ourselves on the mercy of God.
Psalm 7 reminds me
God is dependable, more than anyone or anything in this
God is absolutely just, not assuming facts, but knowing
God protects me because of His great love for me, and you.
He sent The Advocate as proof!
Thank you God for being Right, making Right and keeping Right.