“You are hard to take!”
I was young when a well-seasoned colleague made the comment. Several times I have been involved in an
organization that makes a major transition from the old ways to the new
ways. I’d been called to push for change,
to “rock their world”. My fresh ideas
were not always received enthusiastically. As we become comfortable in a situation we
want to hold on to the status quo. Yet
without change there is no growth, no life.
When the disciples were presented with the dilemma of
feeding lots of people in a remote setting they didn’t realize Jesus would give
them the ability to remedy that situation.
They thought logistics and expense.
He showed them how to feed 5000 men with five loaves of bread and two
fish and have leftovers. Use what you
have and look to Heaven. Apparently they
were not open to think outside the box and seek a divine solution to an earthly
After the Big Meal, Jesus sent the disciples in the boat to
Bethsaida while He dismissed the crowd and went to the mountain to pray. When evening came, He was alone on the land
and the disciples were in the middle of the sea. He saw
them being battered as they rowed against the wind. Very, very early in the morning, He came
walking on the water intending to pass them by and to lead them through the
wind and waves.
The disciples thought He was a ghost and cried out in terror. Jesus spoke to them, “Have courage, It’s Me. Don’t be afraid.” Then He got in the boat with them and the wind stopped.
They were completely amazed because they did not understand
about the loaves. Instead their hearts
were hardened. In the Amplified Version
it says they failed to consider or understand the teaching and miracle of the
loaves and in fact their hearts had grown callous and dull and they had lost
the power of understanding. Jesus fed all
those people not just to cure the hunger of 5000 men but to demonstrate God’s
Jesus came to rescue us from more than we can
comprehend. He doesn’t just save us from
danger and circumstance. He saves us
from an eternal life separated from God.
Jesus came to save us even when we become callous and dull toward God
and choose not to acknowledge His power in the world in which we live.
It’s not really part of our DNA to be ready for great change.
We resist newness thinking the same, well known, secure and comfortable are the
best. But Jesus knows us better than we
know ourselves. He is ready to calm the
storm by going ahead of us taking the brunt of the wind and storm. But He
is equally ready to calm our fears by climbing in the “boat” of our scary
circumstance to be with us.
I’m thankful Jesus “rocks” my world. He offers newness and excitement, not routine
and comfortable. Jesus promises
* to go ahead of me to navigate the wind
and waves and/or
* to climb into the “little boat” of my life
to be with me in my moments of fear.
Jesus has The Power to “rock” my world. He has authority over nature, numbers and
unclean spirits. Why should I be worried
when change and newness enter my world?
Jesus is leading my life and will never leave me alone.