Monday, June 29, 2015

Frig Philosophy

"May I always be the kind of person my dog thinks I am."  From one of my favorite refrigerator magnets.  The magnet reminded me to  aspire to be a better person because of  unconditional love.  My dogs follow me wherever I go.  They love me on my good days and my bad.  They remind me of what really is important in life, character, not what others think.

When I read Mark 1:32-34 I stopped to ponder the end of verse 34.  Jesus had spent the evening healing  the sick of a variety of illnesses and driving out the demons in the possessed.  But He would not let the demons speak because they knew who He was.

Why did Jesus forbid the demons to tell who He was? I think Jesus wanted the people to hear His message from Him, not from evil ones, and to see His love without distraction from the world.  Jesus didn't need "street cred" from them.  He came to reveal God's message according to God's plan.  There was no need for additional publicity.

The final words in verse 34 made me think that too often we strive for worldly recognition.  Too often we thirst for adulation from those who really don't matter.

My dog Molly is a challenge.  When I come in the door she barks loudly and incites the other two dogs into chaos.  We call it "banshee barking".  She feels the need to single herself for my attention.  It's quite annoying.  We've tried all manner of disciplines but the two that stop the behavior the best are giving her something to put in her mouth(sometimes literally put a sock in her mouth) and Dick calling her to "assume the position" of leaning into his chair and petting.

Yet I am committed to Molly in spite of her behavior.  I haven't listed her on Craig's list because she is loyal.   She follows me throughout the house.  When I'm in my sewing room, she's laying at my feet.  When I'm at the table, she's at  my feet (unless Dick is eating elsewhere and she's waiting on him to spill).  Molly thinks I'm great!  I may have a day when I haven't pleased those in the world but Molly is always pleased with me.

My dogs inspire me to love unconditionally, to give, to strive, to forgive.  

Jesus came to Earth to show me God's unconditional love.  God's message of love for me is found in His word.  I don't need to have the message of God's Love validated by others.  I don't need to demand His attention and love by annoying behaviors that distract me from leaning into His love.

Jesus' Message inspires me

                to give my whole being to God,

                to strive to please God, not those in the world, and

                to forgive myself and those in the world who fail me. 

God has shown I'm worth it.  He see more in me than the world does or than I do.

Perhaps my next refrigerator magnet should read  "May I be the kind of person God thinks I am."

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Crispy Fries

You don't have because you don't ask."  One of my husband's life principles. It is the foundation for his request for "could you make my fries crispy?"

In Mark 1:29-31 Jesus is at Simon's house for dinner.  Mark states that Simon's mother-in-law is sick with a fever.  Jesus comes to her, takes her hand, helps her up (she's healed by the way) and she serves them.

Long ago a Bible teacher taught me to list the important verbs.  In these verses, in the translation I read today, the verbs are told, went, took and help.  When coupled with the nouns there are one "they" and three "He".

They told (about the fever);

He went (to her);

He touched  (her hand); and

He helped (her up to serve).

I am reminded today that there is one "me" and three "He".  I must tell Jesus everything. Mark makes it sound as a matter-of-fact statement.  Simon - "Welcome to my home.  I'd introduce all my family but you see  my  mother-in-law is ill."  Jesus  - "Let me see her." (Jan's imaginative interpretation)

When I read Luke's account (Luke 4:38-39) of the same event, the disciples told Jesus about her high (Thank you Dr. Luke for the more accurate diagnosis) fever and asked Him to help her.  "Jesus, Simon's mother-in law has high fever.  Could you help her?"  Luke tells us he bent over her, rebuked the fever and it left her.

Regardless of my situation, I need to tell and/or ask Jesus about everything.  Why? Because He is compassionate! The chain reference numbers in the Bible I read today refers to one of my favorite stories, Luke 7:11ff. It demonstrates my most comforting characteristic of Jesus, when Jesus has compassion on a widow whose only son has died.  Jesus touches the dead boy, restores his life and gives him back to his mother. 

Jesus really cares.  He cared about an insignificant widow and her profound loss.  He cares about  me too.  Jesus cares about all my seemingly insignificant disappointments and   losses.  I only need to tell him or ask him and He'll come to  me (He's waiting) and He will touch me and help me.

1 Me

3 He